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Voices of the Workplace

Voices of the workplace is an initiative that aspires to provide a platform to unite diverse communities worldwide through lived experiences, solution-focused plans, action-oriented ideas, and impactful narratives. This year, under the theme ‘It is Time to Prioritize Mental Health in the Workplace’, we aim to highlight the importance of mental well-being in professional environments. We seek to bring forward a unified voice, emphasising how workplace experiences can be transformed by prioritizing mental health. Share your stories, solutions, and actionable ideas on how workplaces can better support mental well-being. Join us in our Global Campaign 2024 and engage with Voices of the workplace initiative by sharing your message. 

Fill out the form below to have your thoughts considered for future initiatives and efforts of the World Federation for Mental Health. Selected messages will also be featured on our website and digital platforms. Let’s unite and advocate for prioritizing mental health in the workplace to create environments of well-being for all !

Voices of the Workplace

Express Yourself

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Express through Art

Art is a powerful medium to express oneself when words cannot do justice. Through our Express Through Art initiative, we hope to use art to deepen our understanding of the importance of prioritising mental health in the workplace. These activities aim to help people explore and express their feelings about mental well-being in professional environments and highlight essential aspects of mental health at work. Art transcends the barriers of various identities, allowing people to foster a deeper connection and share their diverse experiences. By engaging in our art-based activities, you can contribute to this year’s theme and help create a more supportive and mentally healthy workplace.

Explore our art-based activities below and engage with the theme of this year’s campaign!

Disclaimer: You define your work and your workplace- whether you are an office worker, freelancer, homemaker or your own boss.


Activity 1

Evoke, Express, and Empower Through Arts

(Intent - reflect on your needs in your workplace)

WFMH is celebrating World Mental Health day this year with the theme- “It is Time to Prioritise Mental Health in the Workplace”. Are there any thoughts, feelings, experiences, or even ideas that come up for you when you read these words? Are there any systems you wish to address? Take a few moments to get in touch with them, and share your reflections with us in a creative way of your choice. You can pick one or multiple ways that feel comfortable and call out to you – such as collage-making, painting, movement/dance, music, digital art, makeup, narrative-building etc. We’d love to know what the process looked like for you, and your submission also has chances to get featured on our virtual wall for other participants to see! Share your reflections with us at our email address

While it might be difficult to meet our needs exactly as they are, let yourself explore if there are other ways to tap into them.

Activity 2

Knowing Your "Parts"

(Intent - looking at personal qualities that serve the professional self-resilience)

As people, we have several qualities and parts that make us whole. Different parts of you might serve as a guide, as a strength, or as a block at different times and in different areas of your life. For example, you might know yourself to be a flexible person which supports you in your personal sphere, but at times leaves you working extra hours in your professional sphere.

What are some qualities you hold as a person? Take a moment to reflect on how they show up in your professional space. Are there any changes that would benefit you and make work feel safer and more comfortable? You are invited to put these qualities on a paper in proportion to how you wish to show up in your work space. You can use any art or craft modalities that are comfortable and call out to you for the same.

Activity 3

Roles I Play

(Intent - Focus on the space of transition between personal and professional by mindfully preparing and disengaging)

Before an actor gets on stage, they embody the character by getting into the role and putting on the costume needed. Once the play is over, they de-role and step back into themselves. Similarly, what are some rituals you can access to mindfully transition into work mode when you need and de-role as you exit? Are there any objects, any pieces of clothing or accessories that mark these transitions for you? Are you able to set-up and close your work space? At the end of our work day, let’s take a few moments to connect with our bodies and ask ourselves if there is something from our workspace (feelings, thoughts, worries, etc) we wish to leave behind today, and shake those off. Your movement can be as small and light as just breathing or moving your fingertips, or as rigorous as resonates with you that day.

Express through Art

From the above activities, we invite you to share your thoughts and creative expressions with us via the enclosed form!

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