We encourage you to be a voice of the campaign and make your contribution to the advancement of the cause by suggesting effective solutions to bring betterment in the current global mental health scenario and communicating your thoughts to the world by the way of creative expression. We believe that it is a necessity to directly involve stakeholders in the process of change and we thus urge you to engage with the Global Campaign in your individual capacity and take the first step forward in making mental health and well-being for all a global priority.
Voices that matter
Voices that Matter aims to pledge to making mental health and well-being for all a global priority, and provide stakeholders across the globe a platform where they can talk about the possible solutions and necessary actions needed for the advancement of mental health on a global scale.
To participate in our Global Campaign 2022 and engage with the Voices That Matter initiative, you can fill the form given below and share your message for the World Mental Health Health Day 2022. Considering the practicality of the solutions received from all the stakeholders across the globe, they will be further considered during the future initiatives and efforts of the World Federation for Mental Health. Some of the key messages will also be featured on our website and digital platforms.

Express through Arts
Creative expression is very personal to us, and helps us communicate our thoughts and emotions in a way that no other medium can. As you engage with the cues given below, we invite you to unload the word “creative” for yourself, while you engage yourself in the process for experiencing the process, and not for the aesthetic of the final product. Please hold the lens of non-judgement towards yourself, your art, movements, and anything that comes up for you. Give your voice a voice and make your contribution in making mental health and well-being for all a global priority.

Activity 1
WFMH is celebrating World Mental Health day this year with the theme Make Mental Health & Well-Being for All a Global Priority. What comes up for you when you read these words? Are there any thoughts, feelings, experiences, or even ideas that are currently associating with the theme for you? Take a few moments to get in touch with them, and share your reflections with us in a creative way of your choice. You can pick one or multiple ways that feel comfortable and call out to you - such as collage-making, painting, movement/dance, music, digital art, makeup, narrative-building etc. We’d love to know what the process looked like for you, and your submission also has chances to get featured on our virtual wall for other participants to see! Share your reflections with us at our email address wmhdofficial@wfmh.global

Activity 2
As people, we experience and witness changes all around and within ourselves. Sometimes they shed light on a pre-existing inner capacity to adapt and support ourselves. What are your stories of moments of resilience? Let’s make a flag that we can hold to mark and represent that resilience in you at this moment. You can use any art or craft modalities that are comfortable and call out to you for the same. Colours, personal symbols, words, everything is welcome. Nothing is too big or too small, resilience could look just like your water bottle that keeps you hydrated.
We urge you to indulge in this process of reflection and creativity, and also ask you to encourage your friends, family, and colleagues to take part in this process in their individual capacities. Share your art and/or craft pieces with us at our email address wmhdofficial@wfmh.global and become a participant in the Global Mental Health Campaign 2022.
Activity 3
We are our mind and body. They both play a role in our communications with the outer world and our inner selves. Let’s take a few minutes to connect with our bodies in this moment. We invite you to play and move to any song or piece of music that is resonating with you right now, or has provided you with comfort in the past. Your movements can be as small and light as just breathing or moving your fingertips, or as rigorous as you want them to. If a particular movement calls out to you, feel free to spend more time with it.
We encourage you try out this activity, either alone or with company that you like. You can capture a video of yourself enjoying these movements of comfort, ease, power, elevation, or any element you wish to offer to the world and share it with us at our email address wmhdofficial@wfmh.global