Message from the WFMH President


Message from the WFMH President

Nasser Loza
Nasser Loza, WFMH President

As the President of the World federation for Mental Health (WFMH) I am delighted to introduce to you the Campaign Toolkit for 2022 World Mental Health Day.

The 2022 World Mental Health Day theme ‘Make Mental Health & Well-Being for All a Global Priority’ was chosen by a global vote that included WFMH members, stakeholders and supporters, and I am very grateful to all of you who participated in this process.

In 2021 the UN Secretary-General said that, without determined action, the impact of COVID 19 on mental health may last far longer than the pandemic itself. He urged us to act to redress the glaring inequalities exposed by the pandemic, including the inequality in access to mental health services.

People with lived experience of mental illness, their families and other disadvantaged populations continue to tell us that their mental health well-being is not always in the mind of governments, as well as those who pay for services and society at large.

In high income countries over 75% of people with depression have reported that they do not receive adequate care and in low and middle-income countries over 75% of people with mental health conditions have received no treatment at all.

This year’s theme highlights many issues relevant to mental health and well-being, and the WFMH Secretary-General has been mandated to involve a variety of stakeholders and global citizens to work together to ensure that we have a clear message and an effective campaign to support World Mental Health Day 2022 on 10th October.

As part of this initiative, WFMH has developed a Toolkit that you may use to support your campaign.

Dr Nasser Loza
President, World Federation for Mental Health