World Mental Health Day bulletin: well-being – homelessness -trauma


World Mental Health Day bulletin: well-being – homelessness -trauma

How did homeless people experience the pandemic in Austria- What can health care systems and society at large do to assist disenfranchised youth caught up in an accelerated cycle of dependency due to the current financial crisis?

European Public Health Week | Lunch Seminar: Policies to support vulnerable groups during the pandemic: Lessons learnt in Austria and the EU | Gesundheit Österreich GmbH (

Subsequent to this report a study conducted in Q1 2022, shows that housing costs currently represent a heavy financial burden for 820,000 people. The number of people with arrears in rent, ancillary housing costs, operating costs or loan instalments has also increased. In the group of unemployed, almost a third are in arrears.

The Working Group Trauma Surviving developed psycho-educative booklets to raise awareness for trauma and its symptoms and encourage concerned youth to get support. Available in Arabic/عربي, English, Farsi/Dari, German, Kurdish, Romanian and Ukrainian at

Gabriele Siebert is member of Surviving Trauma and also one of the co-authors of a handbook for Guidance for teachers on stress and trauma published by UNHCR in German language. Now published in English.

Barbara Preitler, Dr, psychologist, psychotherapist is a founding member of Survivng Trauma as well as a therapist at Hemayat, a Vienna-based support centre for refugees. In By Their Side. Psychosocial Support for Traumatized Refugees she discusses trauma and forced displacement from a psychological point of view, imparting advice and background knowledge, and illustrating ways in which we can deepen our understanding of others and work to build good interpersonal relationships. She encourages us to seek out opportunities for new encounters, helping people with different cultural backgrounds and experiences to build strong relationships.Yury Revich UNICEF Austria Honorary Representative raises awareness of the plight of the homeless and marginalized in this video.

Fran Eve Wright
UNESCO Club Vienna
